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It Gets Greater...Later

My fiftieth reunion is almost here and my mind feels like a bowl of gooey slime just thinking about it. The last reunion I attended was the "me, me, me, I, I, I reunion. Otherwise known as the tenth. The conversation was simple then. It was about jobs, careers, and growing bank accounts. If one was lucky, you could escape to the "married having kids" corner.

Fast forward and here I find myself standing like a deer in headlights peering into my closet asking the dreaded question "what am I going to wear?" The little black dress, the one I haven't worn in years and hope it fits dress? The voice in my ear reminds me to wear what I wear best.., my authentic self. So the question begs "what the h** is that?" Some psychologists refer to it as ” Your authentic self is what comes naturally to you, being the self that takes no extra effort. It is the unique combination of all your qualities including your skills, abilities, interests, talents, limits, insights, experiences, memories, beliefs, purpose, and wisdom. It is the expression of your core values through all your quirks and your strengths. Your authentic self goes far beyond what you do for a living, what possessions you own, or who you are to someone. "

This is me on the left. After eight days of remote kayaking off the coast of British Columbia with seven women I had only met, paddling all day surrounded by pristine nature as far as I could see, facing many challenges and celebrating many authentic self emerged.

...In a few short days, I will be rekindling friendships from years past. And while I hope we allow ourselves to bring our authentic selves to the party, I still need to answer the dreaded question and soon! I think I will start with my red cowboy boots and go from there.


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